Welcome to FlyMapper
This is the holding page of the FlyMapper UK project. Please use the following links if you are looking for a specific instance of FlyMapper.
FlyMapper in Scotland
For use by local authorities and other land managers.
Registered users can log in here.
If you would like to register your organisation, please contact: Sophie Green

FlyMapper in Wales
For use by local authorities and other land managers.
Registered users can log in here.
To register your organisation, please contact: Neil Harrison

FlyMapper in England
Registered users can log in here.
For more information, please contact Richard Griffiths

What is FlyMapper?
FlyMapper is a system for the capture, management and analysis of fly-tipping incidents. It comprises a smartphone app, FlyMapper Mobile, and a web application, FlyMapper Web.
Who uses FlyMapper?
FlyMapper is used by most local authorities across Wales and Scotland and is supported by the Welsh and Scottish Governments. FlyMapper is currently used by local authorities and organisations with land management responsibilities. A version for public use will be launched in 2022.
Who manages FlyMapper?
FlyMapper is built and managed by Exegesis SDM, a UK based consultancy specialising in the development of solutions for environmental and conservation management.
Contact Us
For enquiries about FlyMapper please use our contact form or get in touch with Richards Griffiths (click to email here or call 01874 711145)